Author Archives: Sarah Goodwin

Corante starts innovation blog

Corante has created a new "hub" – I am impressed with how creative and successful Stowe Boyd, the president and COO of Corante, has been in putting together a network of blogs – including one for media and for marketing. In fact, his Corante home page has evolved dramatically in one year and you can learn more on the About ...

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Google moving forward in China

China has more than 111 million Internet users, second most in the world and growing quickly, states today’s New York Times article discussing Google’s presence there. Google’s chief executive Eric E. Schmidt says he "expected the country to become one of Google’s most important markets, even though China, as yet, accounts for a small slice of the company’s revenues. But ...

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On internal idea markets

William C. Taylor, founding editor of Fast Company, writes in The New York Times that a top company called Rite-Solutions focuses "on an internal market where any employee can propose that the company acquire a new technology, enter a new business or make an efficiency improvement. These proposals become stocks, complete with ticker symbols, discussion lists and e-mail alerts. Employees ...

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SXSW meeting podcasts and video

You can hear and see some of the interesting sessions from SXSW – check it out!

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