Based on David Collin’s post on "Fasten Your Seat Belt" this week, I thought I would catch up on a favorite topic of mine: physics and nanotechnology. I am not a scientist, but I like the stretch to understand this and as a communicator I try to imagine the implications for the future. Last November, the federal government created the ...
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Tech costs provide innovation options
According to Wired writer Chris Anderson, "Silicon Valley is roaring back to life, as startups mint millionaires and Web dreams take flight. But, no, this is not another bubble. Here’s why. First, technology adoption has continued at a torrid pace (and even accelerated at times) despite the bust. The second reason that this boom is so different from the last ...
Read More »Blog comments or not
The current conversation about the Washington Post’s decision to pull comments off a blog on its web site includes a CNet story saying the Post will now try to publish some of the comments sans the ones with offensive language. Editor Jim Brady says the Post tried to monitor the site, but it took too many people to keep up ...
Read More »Les Blogs 2.0 Vblogs and vpods
As a follow up to the Les Blogs conference – you can view the presentations on the Les Blog 2.0 Video Archive. The conference was held in December, and "organized by SixApart and others, including sponsors O4Media (alpha) which provided all the video animation technology and taped the conference using videoblogging; (alpha) is hosting the video files and provided ...
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