Author Archives: Sarah Goodwin

Atlantic covers Wikipedia journey

In an article titled "The Hive" Atlantic Magazine takes an interesting look at Jimmy Wales and the Wikipedia. He says, "Wikipedia has the potential to be the greatest effort in collaborative knowledge gathering the world has ever known, and it may well be the greatest effort in voluntary collaboration of any kind. The English-language version alone has more than a ...

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AOL finally moves forward

I imagine you have seen the news from AOL by now, but it certainly represents the change that had to come. On the Forbes web site: "Stepping up the chase for online advertising dollars, AOL will give away e-mail accounts and software now available only to its paying customers in a strategy shift likely to accelerate the decline in its ...

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Brain and computer moves ahead

Faster and sharper: A new brain-computer-interface technology could turn our brains into automatic image-identifying machines that operate faster than human consciousness. Researchers at Columbia University are combining the processing power of the human brain with computer vision to develop a novel device that will allow people to search through images ten times faster than they can on their own. Read ...

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Future of monetizing content

This story about managing the "digital living room" looks interesting in this TechWeb article: "Hollywood is deathly afraid of the possibilities that new technology offers consumers, and this is going to dramatically impact Apple’s ability to deliver the same experience in the living room that it has on the iPod. ‘Companies in dominant positions are generally afraid of disruptive technologies, ...

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