Author Archives: Sarah Goodwin

Internet governance update

Internet governance interests me and I have been following this story for a while now, and the concern by the European Union that the U.S. share governance is clearly is not going away. According to a Reuters story posted on Yahoo! News, "The European Commission on Friday took a swipe at U.S. oversight of the Internet but offered no concrete ...

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Making podcasting simpler

It looks like FIC’s David Collins has advanced tech skills, as he can produce a podcast when many others are struggling with the technology. Yahoo! says it is now working on a development tool to make it easier for people to produce and publish podcasts, according to TechWeb. "Yahoo! also is looking at ways to make it easier for podcasters ...

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Nanotechnology and cancer

Wired Magazine covers nanotechnology and cancer. It states that "the National Cancer Institute, which recently announced two waves of funding for nanotech training and research, sees nanotechnology as vital to its stated goal of ‘eliminating suffering and death from cancer by 2015.’" Wired continues with, "The first cancer nanotech applications will likely involve detection. Nanoparticles could recognize cancer’s molecular signatures, ...

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Biologically inspired design

Take a look at this group that is linked to Georgia Tech – and the Bioneers Southeast Forum coming to Atlanta this week: An interdisciplinary group of scientists and engineers at the Georgia Institute of Technology recently formed the Center for Biologically Inspired Design with "the goal of capitalizing on the rich source of design solutions present in biological processes. ...

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