Charities are hearing increasing criticism that their slowness to adopt the Internet for fund raising needlessly increases fund raising costs. This raises the question how exactly would charities go about using the net as a low cost fund raising vehicle. If a low percentage cost is the goal the answer is easy to see. SPAM yes-significant amounts of SPAM. Internet ...
Read More »You can't always get what you want…
…but you just might find, you get what you need. Rolling Stones Last week’s NY Times Magazine had an article on some interesting research about affective forecasting. That’s research about how well people can predict how they will feel about events such as getting something they want or losing something valuable. In general they found: “On average, bad events proved ...
Read More »UK short on science too
Geez, looks like the Brits are having the same concern about their young-sceintist output. BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Bac could ‘save science’
Read More »To sum up…
HBS Working Knowledge: Career Effectiveness: Crafting a Powerful Executive Summary Here’s a review of how to write a powerful proposal summary. It’s for business, but it’s principles apply to many situations, including Springboard.
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