Crowd Source your Design Non Profits!

My good friend Jon Dunn is volunteering for Wildlife SOS and is helping with their Web Strategy. He sent me a note for all my readers to check this out. They are crowdsourcing their homepage designer.  Can you help them? Will this work? Will it not? Can they find someone for $1,200 in awards?

Jon has promised to do a guest post to let us all know.

Also be sure to check out Wildlife SOS. Wildlife SOS was created by a group of committed individuals who believe that it is not too late to help and save wildlife. Wildlife SOS believes that rapid action needs to be taken by every individual in this lifetime to make a change that will conserve and protect the environment and wildlife.

One comment

  1. Let me answer maybe first what we were thinking, and why we did what we did. And then maybe everyone can tell me how wrong we were 🙂

    We have been bouncing around Genius Rocket for one project or another since I met a guy that works for them in the Hilton Lobby at 3am during this years SXSW. 🙂

    What I think really clinched it for us to go this route was this project:

    Nonprofit – amazing stuff back (something like 35 or 40 total submissions). They went for a top two award system. But you can see some of the submissions are of serious quality.

    I realize $1,200 isn’t that much in the overall scheme of what you would pay a top notch designer, but think that from that top notch designer you might get 2 designs with 2 revisions for 5K+. We just felt like it was worth rolling the dice.

    My hope is that the community believes in the mission of our org, and is willing to go beyond for not that much!

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