Author Archives: David J. Neff

Last three days – Help me change my Blog

Hey Gang, These are the last three days of our little contest. Help me by coming up with a new name for my Blog. Take a stab at it by leaving a comment below or on my Facebook page or @daveiam on twitter. My new blog is going to be about The Future of Non Profits in Volunteer Recruitment, Social ...

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New Name and a New Blog – Your Help is needed!

Hey faithful readers of this Blog! The time is come that I need your help. You helped make this blog great and now is your chance to help even more! I have decided to stop blogging here and create a new blog where I can be a bit more free about my opinions on social media, tech, the future of ...

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Support one of my favorite Austin Non Profits- Austin Film Society

So as you may of heard the Austin Film Society has a new tenant in the studios they run.  And people are not happy. Why? Because people like to cause trouble. Becuase people who don’t do things like to sit around and complain about those who make things happen. The truth behind all the lies is that the Austin Film ...

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Crowd Source your Design Non Profits!

My good friend Jon Dunn is volunteering for Wildlife SOS and is helping with their Web Strategy. He sent me a note for all my readers to check this out. They are crowdsourcing their homepage designer.  Can you help them? Will this work? Will it not? Can they find someone for $1,200 in awards? Jon has promised to do a ...

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