Personal Change

Can Social Media Sell my House? – Part Four

::Editor’s Note: This is part of my ongoing series of posts as I try and sell my house "The Social Media Way":: So the amount of information that LinkedIN has poured into my inbox is amazing. I am still getting answer to my question from a week ago. Here are the latest suggestion on how I should use Social Media ...

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LinkedIn might just sell my house

::Editor’s Note: This is part of my ongoing series of posts as I try and sell my house "The Social Media Way":: Let me just say this : LinkedIN has been vary impressive lately. Not so much in the look and feel but in the actually letting me talk to people online way. You see unlike Facebook where I can ...

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I'm not a FSBO, are you?

So I have gotten a tremendous response about my last post on "Selling My House the Social Media Way". Although this is not a non-profit topic it is a grand experiment on using Social Media to get things done. However I have been getting a ton of feedback about needing to us a Realtor. And guess what? I agree. I ...

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Selling my House the Social Media Way

So this is not non-profit realted per se… but hopefully you can use some of the tools I will be talking about for other things. So what I plan to do is a series of Blog postings and videos about selling my house the Social Media "Web 2.0" way. I plan to use everything from Craigslist, to to Twitter ...

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