
CEO Blogger…Urban Myth?

So how many companies out there are having their CEO blog? And how many of those are real? And by that I mean how many are actually written by the CEO and not their Corporate Comm Dept? I think those are pretty easy to see through. I am quite proud to say that our Division’s CEO , Mike Dany, will ...

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Over at HR’s Brand New Experience, Regina Miller writes about a "hackathon" at Plaxo.  Hackathon is not trying to break into other people’s computers, rather it’s a designated day where employees are free to work on creative new ideas (related to the company’s mission). I think this would be a great idea for us to adopt especially since we’re now ...

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The Google hybrid map… Duh!

Ok, I get it now. I’m just a bit slow on the uptake. When Google first came out with their satellite/hybrid map I thought “ok, that’s cool, but so what? Why do I need to see the tops of buildings?” Today it struck me. This hybrid function is exactly what I needed. Why? Because I have no sense of direction. ...

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Rite-Solutions Showcases an Innovation Model

In a recent Business Innovation Factory profile Jim Lavoie, CEO of Rite-Solutions, talks about his innovation model and how he encourages his 150 employees to participate in continuous innovation. Rite-Solutions has set up a stock market for ideas, and the employees use the wisdom of crowds to help management determine the ideas and process solutions that have the best chances ...

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