

For those of you not familiar with this site, I’ve been blogging here since 2003. Did we even call it blogging back then? That’s a question for internet historian and my co-author Randal Moss to answer. No matter what the answer is it’s been my home for a long time. But times change and people move. This will be my ...

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CivicX seeking new startups. Is it you?

For the past three to four years I’ve been an active mentor in the CivicX startup accelerator. I’ve been excited to mentor startups like EveryoneOn, WeThrive and others through this program. I’m excited to announce that starting in October, the Points of Light Civic Accelerator will launch a cohort focused on financial inclusion and economic mobility. CivicX is a 10-week ...

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Innovators: Peter Newell of REI on Co-op Product Innovation

At SXSW 2018 we hosted the official Future of Retail workshop. My colleague Geoff Knox & I  led an enthusiastic group of retail professionals through Clearhead’s PSM framework and  had the opportunity to meet forward-thinkers like Peter Newell; he works on the intersection between product, innovation and technology at REI. Together we discussed how REI thinks about product innovation and test ...

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innovators : Aswan Morgan, Jet’s Head of Personalization

{This post first appeared on the blog} There are a lot of people, brands and technology companies out in the market talking about personalization. More often than not they want you to buy something to enable “next generation” personalization. At Clearhead, we believe that personalization needs to be powered by exceptional people, process, culture and technology and focused on ...

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