What happened to the online hunger fight?

Saw this great post from the folks who run the Blog over at Tyson Hunger Relief. Although Tyson is a for-profit company they have been doing some great work around giving excess food to charities who help feed the hungry. They have also been doing some great work around recognizing Hunger All-stars who are out kicking ass in their communities to help the hungry.

This post is about looking for online discussions around hunger and the people that issues effects. I know I am blessed to know a ton of people blogging about their cancer experiences but it looks like the "hunger issue" bloggers/tweeters are harder to find online.

Take some time and let me (and them) know what you think.


  1. Thanks, David. You have a great community space here. Kudos to ACS and to you for recognizing the power of social media, and for putting it to work so effectively. You provide a great example and some very good best practices for those of us who would similarly energize communities engaged in other issues.

  2. Thanks David for your post and giving props to the hunger site! By visiting your space, you’ve really taught me a lot about ACS, not to mention a few great tips on social media and the commuications process. Great space!

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