The most persistent impression I take away from the Net2 Conference that concluded yesterday is the rather hopeful realization that there is a good group of technically competent, motivated, passionate people out there in nonprofits working to apply new tools to their mission. What’s more, an open source attitude exists among NPO-types that facilitates possibilities that is inhibited in the ...
Read More »Net neutrality: current state
Here is an insightful story on Net Neutrality by Wired: "Net neutrality could be the most potent rallying cry for internet regulation in years. It’s also something of a surprise. Six months ago, few outside of internet policy wonk circles were aware of the issue. Now, the best-known brands on the net are flexing their lobbying muscles for and against ...
Read More »Skype: out on the edge
So now I’m having a table topic about Skypecasting. It’s led by an “expert” who’s done four Skypecasts. That qualifies him as an expert. Skypecasting has only been around a couple of months. So what is a Skypecast? Skype is a voice over internet protocol (VoIP) service. It enables you to make voice calls over your broadband hookup. Make those ...
Read More »Grassroots and netroots
Tools for moving a message are evolving a huge pace. The limited access of the past is giving way to participation. Different expectations happening with communication and with advocacy base, according to Micah Sifry. The base of advocates is expecting more transparency and participation about where things go. So the topic is about how to amplify messages by involving more ...
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