• Cryptocurrency that Cares

    I interviewed the top minds in the Bitcoin world about how nonprofits can benefits from this digital currency. Click here to learn more.

  • Writing and Publications

    Digital Strategy, Innovation, Co-Creation, Crowdfunding, Nonprofits, Volunteerism, Advocate Programs and Bitcoin are my passions. I often get to write about them. Click here to read more.

  • Speaking

    I've been keynoting and speaking at a variety of conferences for the last eight years. I'd love to hear more about yours. Click here to learn more.

Don’t Sell….but Sell. Don’t Ask….but Ask.

As marketers, fundraisers and consultants we are often hit with these confusing messages over and over again in our daily lives and in our careers. As a marketer you should sell a product..but don’t act like you are selling. I had a great conversation about this with my friend, and social marketing expert, Cathy today at lunch. And then saw ...

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The New World of CR

CONE inforgraphic on reach of CR/CSR.

I’ve been having some great discussions with CR folks lately, as I think about my own career. Including such heavyweights as Joe Waters, Rachel Hutchisson and Kelly Ballard. And what a interesting field, full of limitless possibilities I have found. And as you know, I’m a data driven guy. So this infographic below from the folks at CONE is pure ...

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The UnLTD Accelerator Needs You!

I’m a big startup person and even more so when it’s startups that are doing good to change the world. That’s why I am fan of UnLTD and the work they do. And right now their accelerator is looking for a new class of folks who want to change the world. What does participating in UnLtd USA look like? UnLtd ...

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Pssst..maybe your nonprofit video is not that interesting?

Well. Someone had to tell you right? Apparently all that great content you are starting to put on Facebook is not doing as well as they would have you believe. You know..the same content they want you to boost for $10 every 3rd time you log onto your page. Hank Green, a YouTube video creator, wrote this post over at ...

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