I'm Homeless in Austin,TX : The Final Video

So this weekend I got a chance to be homeless for 48 hours and be guided around by my street shepard Alan Graham of Mobile Loaves and Fishes. The only piece of tech I tool along was my flip camera. Here is what I recorded. The video is rough and raw and their is no soundtrack. But I think that’s kinda the point of filming on the streets. Leave me your thoughts.

Read more at http://www.fispace.org/category/personal-change/


  1. Adventurous 48 hours, that’s for sure. I appreciate the insight and hearing more about MLF’s plans for change.

    Thanks, David.

  2. Wow what an adventure. I had a hard time hearing the audio after the part where it said “MLF has a plan to change that…” I’d sure like to know more about what they’re doing.

  3. One sure thing that I want to derive from this is, every major cities in the world should have a “Mobile Loaves and Fishes” like organization and a Alan Graham. Its always on us the citizens of a city to help the lesser fortunate ones.. it makes the job of the local governing body much easier that ways. I am seriously giving it a thought to start such a thing in Kolkata, India..the city I stay and also later in Chicago, IL..the city for which I work. Thanks a lot Dave.. awesome as always !

  4. Glad to see more folks are using their creativity to become involved and not some legislative BS. it really starts with us! Your definitely just staying on the fringe of things here, but I commend you! I used to work with Pat of mobile Loaves and am currently filming a documentary about Austins homeless.. More specifically a longtime good friend from my past that is homeless, addicted to drugs and schizophrenic. If you would like to see the real homeless world… I would be happy to show you.

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