Tag Archives: Video

Why you can’t quit watching all these new streaming services.

It’s not just our current shelter in place world (or Tiger King) driving you to watch more of your favorite, and non-favorite shows. Most people watch based on content, right? Correct. And most people make decisions based on price? Correct. But our Accenture research found a new candidate as people lean into having multiple services (Amazon, Hulu, Disney+, Shudder, Netflix, ...

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Come work for Lights. Camera. Help.

The nonprofit I founded, Lights. Camera. Help. is looking for a new executive director. We were lucky to have the one and only Marshall Jones at the helm for the last couple of years and now we are looking for our next great leader. Lights. Camera. Help. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to connecting filmmakers with nonprofits to amplify and ...

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Pssst..maybe your nonprofit video is not that interesting?

Well. Someone had to tell you right? Apparently all that great content you are starting to put on Facebook is not doing as well as they would have you believe. You know..the same content they want you to boost for $10 every 3rd time you log onto your page. Hank Green, a YouTube video creator, wrote this post over at ...

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Your Nonprofit Videos : Facebook vs YouTube

As the founder of Lights. Camera. Help. I often talk to nonprofits about the best way to plan, shoot, and edit their videos. What I don’t hear questions on is where to put them. But it’s a question everyone should be worried about. You’ve created an awesome nonprofit video…now where do you put it? Increasingly channels like YouTube and Vimeo ...

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