Google for us all

I was doing a little homework before attending a technology roundtable later today sponsored by TechuMentor. On the NetSquared blog, author Chris Locke mentions that corporations are beginning to refer to the "Goodle economy."  Locke then goes on to say:

Nonprofits should similarly be aware of — and concerned about —
the way Google is changing "business as usual." Traditional methods of
fundraising and attracting volunteers may suddenly be eclipsed — not
that it isn’t happening already — by more efficient techniques that
leverage the network and the new tools emerging on the web.

snail-mail campaigns never were that effective, and today may even be
counterproductive compared to the organizational transparency and more
human-to-human style of Internet communications.

Good point. I added the italics because I believe that organizational transparency and human-to-human style communication is the crucial aspect of the opportunity nonprofits have to build support. But…it’s somewhat contrary to the branding tactics we’ve all been  encouraged to adopt.


  1. Very true, and from my vantage point as a volunteer, the ACS is far from organizationally transparent.

  2. Well, the ACS integrates volunteers to a greater degree than anybody, so if that’s your experience, it’s something we need to know.

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