Author Archives: David Collin

What's the role of technology in change?

Members of NetSquared—a project of TechSoup to bring the benefits of technology to nonprofits—are considering the question of what technology issues will affect change. Hmm…it seems to me there is so much change going on—and a lot of it is the direct or indirect consequence of technology—that it’s hard to get very specific. Here’s a list of socio-technical phenomena I ...

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We will miss Mike Mitchell

To all those who have followed this blog, FISpace, and the contributions to innovative thinking supported by the American Cancer Society Futuring and Innovation Center, please pause with me a few moments to think kindly of Mike Mitchell. Mike was “the father” of the Futruing and Innovation Center and all its works. Mike died last weekend at his home in ...

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Signs of the times

In this morning’s Washington Post an article appeared about why two Detroit newspapers are cutting back home delivery to three days per week. Fighting to stay in business, Detroit’s two daily newspapers will cut home delivery to three days a week, print smaller editions on other days and encourage people to get information online. The Detroit market is the largest ...

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Hard times ahead

Since the US economy fell off a cliff a couple of months ago prognostications about what’s going to happen are all over the place.  Some are relatively optimistic and see an upswing in late ’09 while others are pretty, pessimistic seeing a deep dive that’ll take years to recover from. What’s going to happen in the nonprofit sector is as ...

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