
Smokeout Bloggers in Eastern

Visit to celebrate the Great American Smokeout. On the site, you can vote for America’s Next Smokesperson, read blogs of those who have quit and/or are trying to quit smoking, find cessation resources and much more.  Check out a few of our bloggers below: Dying to Live — Janet Lee Tiberio’s blog about starting to smoke at age 13 ...

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Interfacing With Typepad

Those of you who were at the March F & I conference may recall that I announced I was going to set up an internal blog for staff. That idea morphed into a password protected knowledge blog that I terminated this morning. The problem: I attempted to pay for the blog using my corporate P-card. Typepad kept sending me e-mails ...

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K-Blog Comes to a Halt

Back at the Innovations conference in March, I said I’d start a Learning and Development blog for staff. It later morphed into a knowledge management blog designed to revise a sales module we offer at our staff orientation. I recruited about eight subject matter experts and told several others I’d invite you in to watch the process. Well, the process ...

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Now this is the way to conference

I’m attending the first scientific conference of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) entitled "Stem Cell Research: Charting New Directions for California"…in my bathrobe, slippers and  bed-head. That’s because it’s a webcast on It’s also free. The conference is sold-out for the scientists, but BayBio–an organization with which I work–is hosting a webcast. I found out last minute. ...

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