Author Archives: David J. Neff

The times they are a changin'

The saying is true. We have had FISpace up and running for around 5 years now. Almost before it was even cool to Blog. But now we need to move on. As we dynamically change and update everything from our Tag Cloud to our authors Typepad is just not pulling it’s weight. Worse yet they want to charge us (As ...

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Toby Bloomberg's New White Paper

Just thought I would share this from my good friend (and ACS Volunteer) Toby Bloomberg: Thought you might enjoy my recent white paper, Listening and Participating   In addition to building relationships, I also explore how social media is impacting the business of doing business. The paper concludes with a few suggestions on how to get started and a gentle ...

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What happened to the online hunger fight?

Saw this great post from the folks who run the Blog over at Tyson Hunger Relief. Although Tyson is a for-profit company they have been doing some great work around giving excess food to charities who help feed the hungry. They have also been doing some great work around recognizing Hunger All-stars who are out kicking ass in their communities ...

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What is Social Media?

Social Media in Plain English from Vimeo.

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