Organizational Change

Exercise you innovation muscles

In the July American Demographics (subscription needed) a guy named Andrew Zolli wrote a commentary about the changing opportunities that talented people will have in the emerging global economy. He chronicled transitions that occurred during the 20th century as the US economy moved from tangible commodities to product-driven commodities to a service-based economy. Now, says Zolli: …we find ourselves on ...

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It's time for us to move on…part VII

As I wrap up this 7 part series on how the ACS can benefit from moving away from an IE based mentality, I want to examine the current state of affairs when it comes to our own Web sites and how they handle other browsers. Here is a quick rundown: BrandWizard : Works great with FireFox, all aspects look and ...

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It's time for us to move on…Part VI

Okay we are getting to the light at the end of the tunnel I swear! So yesterday you checked out our post about Opera and thought sounds cool but what else? I want something totally free with no ads. Well then you have come to right place. Check out the Mozilla Organization. This is a 501c3 organization that was spun ...

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It's time for us to move on….Part V

As we move into my final 3 posts about Organizational Change I think people might be saying “Okay I am ready to switch but what to? ” .Well this is just the top of the iceberg but there are two really great solutions to the problem of IE. One is called Opera and the other is the Mozilla Family. Today ...

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