I had a hard time putting this post in a category. Was it a post on Social Software? Or a post on Social Change? I like to think it was a post on Social Change. You see last Thursday I helped organize the first ever tweetup blood drive here in Austin, TX. And guess what? People actually came. We doubled the traffic on a Thursday before a Holiday, a time when they rarely get all the blood that they need. I’m going to post some great links to the event below but what I wanted to let people know is that these things work. You can mobilize people to actually take action through online social networks. So that begs the question…what are you going to do to test this notion?
A Radio Interview about the Blood Drive
Social Media Club of Austin Coverage, Michelle Greers Coverage, Twitter Coverage, and more.
And of course I decorated a cake for @mikechapman’s birthday. Yeah that’s right…I got cake decorating skills. It got it’s own Blog post here.
– Dave
Awesome results! It has been amazing to see how this grew from an idea to reality. I’m encouraging other cities to follow our example. (Still can’t believe I didn’t get to be there.)
Thanks for organizing this important event!