I said in my previous post that I’m working on a report about the life sciences industry. The objectives I’ve ste for the report follow. Again, I invite your input about them.
To characterize an industry that is important in many aspects of the goal of understanding and controlling cancer.
The “life sciences” industry today is a diverse set of enterprises, large and small, which play a significant role in developing products that contribute to disease research and to medical intervention throughout the health care system. The industry—if you can use a single term for such a wide range of companies and activities—has grown enormously in recent decades; it is changing rapidly with advancing technologies; and it will continue to expand and diversify for the foreseeable future. The performance of the life science industry deeply affects progress toward the conquest of cancer. In some ways, its activity parallels the mission of the Society, but its mechanisms of operation are very different. This report will endeavor to give an overview of the life sciences industry and trends for the future.
To get the measure of an important industry in California and nationwide.
Life sciences companies exist nationwide; many are even global is scope. Because the emerging technologies of life science are seen all over the US and around the world as a great opportunity for economic growth, there is intense competition to establish and nurture life science business in many places. But California has a distinct head start on the competition. This report will provide data about the industry in the state as well as comment about the future of the industry relative to other competitive forces.
To consider factors which affect the Society’s ambition to influence research resources in an important medical industry.
The Society, in its nationwide prioritization process, has expressed an interest in influencing the allocation of resources related to cancer research in government and corporations. Specifically, the statement for one focus area under research says: “Influence, through advocacy, the amount and direction of cancer-related research by government agencies, foundations, and corporations (emphasis added).” This report will examine factors that might be considered in implementing such a goal.
If you wish to say anything about thise objectives, click “comment” below or click “E-mail Me” to the right.