See you on the net

The internet’s moving toward audio/video with amazing speed. From Wired:

Much of the recent success of internet video is due to the upswing in
broadband penetration, which surpassed 58 percent of web users last
month, according to Nielsen/NetRatings.

This enables internet users to view online content easily. However, it
is just the tip of the iceberg. New media standards such as MPEG-4
promise to increase video quality and make it suitable for viewing on
displays the size of the seat-back screens in aircraft entertainment

Furthermore, an increasing number of distribution channels are emerging. Apple Computer is rumored to be developing a video version of its popular iPod music player. BitTorrent, video blogging, RSS feeds and online communities also provide new distribution options for video.

"We’re moving from a text-based internet to multimedia internet," said J.D. Lasica, executive director of Ourmedia, a free site for posting video. "So video is becoming a full-blown phenomenon on the internet."

Tippin point

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