Mobile munchies

is coming to your cell phone, natch, but, like the device itself, these clips
will be pretty small.

few crumbs of spare attention anyone has left over from the barrage of daily
media will soon be eaten up by "video snacks," little chunks of
content delivered to cell phones to fill those awkward moments when no one is
calling, texting or e-mailing us….

takes broadcast-quality video and transmutes it for the small screen. It plans
to let users subscribe directly while also offering the service to content
creators and mobile network operators. The SmartVideo catalog includes
programming from ABC News, NBC Universal, Fox Sports and The Weather Channel….

…in the last nine months, interest in mobile
content has caught fire. "It used to be incredibly difficult to get
content creators," he said. "Now, we get 50 to 75 audition reels a

Video snacks? Yumm! Make mine video gummy bears please.


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