Innovation process

From the Corante Innovation Hub:

Practical Tasks of Innovation

  1. Monitor the Environment– be watchful for slight changes in trends.
  2. Anticipate Opportunity – when changes do begin to occur, do they affect your products/services? If so, how?
  3. Identify Opportunity – determine what your main objective should be to address these changes/opportunity.
  4. Generate Alternatives – now that you have identified
    your challenge, generate ideas to address this situation. Brainstorm to
    generate basic ideas, strategy, and tactics.
  5. Evaluate / Make Decisions – take your generated ideas and see which best meet the objective you outlined in the Identify Opportunity stage. What’s going to the remarkable answer?
  6. Champion – now that you have the best solution chosen, you may need to ‘sell’ this to your organization. Tell the story.
  7. Implement – this is the action step… what turns idea into action and… hopefully someting innovative.

The Process of Innovat… –…

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