I cnt W8 2 vote 4 John Kerry

Rock the Vote goes IM and SMS

MTV’s nonpartisan partner, Rock the Vote, is turning to instant messaging to further its role as a player in this fall’s presidential election. All year, Rock the Vote has been trumpeting its goal to get 20 million 18- to 24-year-olds to the polls. Along the way, it has unveiled initiatives like Rock the Mobile Vote, using mobile phones and text messaging to spread the word to young would-be voters about political issues, voter registration and the importance of voting. Good stuff and if you can translate the title of this post then you are well on your way to being an sms expert…..

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  1. It’ll be interesting to see what happens. How many Internet or technology-based things have been implemented already during this campaign? Some will work and some won’t, but can you imagine what’ll be happening by 2008?

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