Feds: improve cancer therapy

Shortcuts to cancer discovery and moving this quickly through to approval, this is a topic we care about at ACS.

The Food and Drug Administration, the National Cancer Institute, and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced this past week the Oncology Biomarker Qualification Initiative – an agreement to collaborate on improving the development of cancer therapies and the outcomes for cancer patients through biomarker development and evaluation.

The HHS press release quotes FDA Acting Commissioner of Food and Drugs Andrew C. von Eschenbach: "An enhanced understanding of clinical biomarkers will help make the development of diagnostics and treatments more targeted, one of our most pressing goals under the Critical Path Initiative, FDA’s program to modernize the medical product development process. We believe partnerships that help us standardize the use of new technologies are essential to refining the drug development process, so we can bring personalized medicines to patients more quickly and ultimately improve outcomes."

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