Email, once sent, can update

This story looks at using email for marketing – but info can update in emails that currently sit in a recipient’s box – if I have this right.

The developer says, "Because it allows information included in e-mails to be automatically updated, LetterMark can transform e-mail into a permanent, live and convenient source for transmitting and storing data. It gives you accurate, active data versus inert data."

A simple example: An e-mail from a financial-services firm could include interest rates that change every day. Instead of clogging up your e-mail files with a new message every day, the LetterMark e-mail updates itself automatically. No need for keeping or deleting dozens of e-mails from the same business. For the customer, saving that first e-mail creates a constant source of up-to-date information on rates. For the firm, the saved e-mail becomes a permanent and dynamic link to a customer or potential customer.

Check the story out at the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

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  1. Sounds great, but can it correct those emails sent out with a glaring error in language or judgment? “Unpush” the button so-to-speak.

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