Corante starts innovation blog

Corante has created a new "hub" – I am impressed with how creative and successful Stowe Boyd, the president and COO of Corante, has been in putting together a network of blogs – including one for media and for marketing. In fact, his Corante home page has evolved dramatically in one year and you can learn more on the About Us page. With the Corante Innovation Hub, Corante says that it "is your starting point for keeping abreast of the best writing and thinking on innovation across the blogosphere and beyond. Here you’ll find the field’s most insightful observers and commentators tracking and reporting on its latest developments as well as weighing in on its future." Check it out.

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  1. You’re right, Sarah, about Corante being a remarkable, evolving information center. The innovation hub looks like something to have on your RSS reader, for sure. But I thought Stowe Boyd had jumped ship and left Corante. He has a new blog, /Message, and I thought he said he was out of Corante.

  2. This is what I have on the Stowe Boyd from on the web site today: Stowe, the president and COO of Corante, is an internationally recognized authority on business strategy and information technology, particularly with regard to real-time, collaborative and social technologies. He has served in prestigious advisory roles: GIGA Senior Consulting Partner, Contributing Editor KMWorld, Cutter Consortium Senior Principal, and Research Fellow at the Accenture Institute for Strategic Change; a Research Fellow for the Market Intelligence Group; and he has served as editor and columnist for Darwin, Knowledge Management, Cutter, John Wiley & Sons, and Fawcette.

  3. Hmm. On Jan 15 Stowe posted this statement on his new blog. /Message.

    “Obviously, I am getting a lot of questions about /Message, my new solo project, as well as my relationship with Corante. I stepped down from my full-time role with the company, and remain close with Hylton Jolliffe and Francois Gossieaux, who are continuing on there. I am a shareholder, and I certainly want the company to do well. I think that my leaving will be good for them, just like my originally getting involved was good for the company.”

    So, he’s there…and not there.

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