What can I say? Brogran always does a super job picking out new and interesting things. Check out these top 5 and let us know what your non-profit thinks of them. Right now I am digging Scrumy. Basecamp replacement anyone?
- Addictomatic – great search tool. Just go there and search for something. (Hat tip Kevin Cobb)
- Scribblar – Want an easy online whiteboard for collaborating? This thing rules.
- Scrumy – (I’m told it’s pronounced like “Scrum” like rugby– rhymes with “bum.”) – dead simple online task management. You can collaborate with others by sharing the url. Silly easy, and neat “Post-it-like” technology.
- SocialGO – If Ning isn’t your thing, try SocialGo. Same thing, only with a few other interesting features.
- TweetDeck – (requires Adobe Air). Cross-platform Twitter client. Some of you already use it, but for those of you looking for a different way to visualize all the things going on in twitter, including searches and the like, Tweetdeck is the big kids’ toy.
Good list
I like Scrummy the best. I like mind-mapping tools and use Mind42 (http://www.mind42.com) a lot.