The competition is on!

A week ago I posted about working with fellow FISpacer Patrick Shore to  frame a proposal for the NetSquared Mashup Challenge. The proposal was to get help from Google engineers to see what we could do to map data about cancer incidence and mortality along with SES indicators to see if we could get a visually impactful mashup about cancer disparities. It’s an experiment to see how a map interface might make issues like disparity more apparent and to see if Google maps could become an intuitive interface for Society information. David Neff and folks in High Plains are interested too because they’ve been thinking about mapping too.

Well, all the applying is done and the voting for the winners is on! If we get in the top 20 out of the 122 applications from all over the world (!) then we get a shot at technical help.

So follow this link to NetSquared’s voting site. Register and follow the instructions to vote. You’ll see a tag cloud for key words of the entrys. Ours is US Cancer Data and Care Disparities Map and its in the Health tag category. You can vote for up to 9 other projects as well, but for us only once.

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