WANTED: online-savvy fundraisers

In an article at onPhilanthropy titled "Online Fundraising Jumps in 2005…"  A couple of quotes:

As proof points for online marketing success continued to roll in
during 2005, more nonprofits began deploying commercial Online
Constituent Relationship Management (eCRM) solutions.

Looking ahead, online fundraising will continue to grow in 2006 at
least at the same pace as last year. On average, the percentage of
funds raised online by organizations using the Internet strategically
will probably double. For certain nonprofit segments with unique
attributes, online marketing will become the primary fundraising

One of the biggest remaining challenges the sector has to address in
2006 is cultivating nonprofit professionals who understand online
marketing practices and tools. Although technology may be generally
easy to use, online marketing is a newer discipline so there is a
learning curve. During 2006, the nonprofit sector should emphasize
education to build an industry of trained online marketing
professionals, just as there are skilled fundraisers for major gifts
and direct mail.

One comment

  1. Hmmm… can you say ‘virtual volunteers’?

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