Virtual Volunteers: Examples

On‘s site I found a listing of the types of work that Virtual Volunteers can do. The listing breaks these volunteers down into two task groups: Technical assistance and direct contact volunteers.

Technical Assistance Volunteers provide assistance with task or objective based assignments and/or assignments in which they possess a particular expertise.

Tasks and assignments could include:

  • conducting online research
  • providing professional consulting expertise
  • helping with advocacy
  • document translation
  • creating multi-media presentations
  • desktop publishing
  • proofreading documents and online material
  • research and article writing
  • logo design and other illustration needs
  • preparing information for an agency’s web site
  • writing a technology plan, designing a marketing strategy, or directing other types of organizational planning and outreach
  • ensuring that the web site is accessible for people with disabilities
  • registering an agency’s home page and other appropriate pages with online search engines, directories and "What’s New" sites
  • adding an agency’s volunteer opportunities into online databases
  • database system design
  • volunteer management assistance

Direct contact volunteers come into contact with client or service recipients. Their tasks can include:

  • electronically visit the homebound, or those in a hospital or rest home
  • provide online mentoring or instruction
  • help with language instruction (e.g. teaching ESL)
  • staffing an e-mail or chat room answer/support line
  • supervise or moderate an agency-sponsored chat room, e-mail discussion group or newsgroup
  • train volunteers via email or chat room

The full listing with more detailed information can be found here.

The site goes on to discuss Informal Volunteers, but I’m leaving that to another post.

One comment

  1. Yes, there’s a lot that can be done. But what also is needed is a commitment to manage and put resources into such a program. This ahas all got to stop being so tentative and experimental.

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