The Futuring and Innovation Center is Fighting Obesity One Good Idea at a Time

Can we fight obesity one good idea at a time? We think you might have the answer to this and other problems that increase cancer risk.

The Society’s Futuring and Innovation Center (FIC) would like to hear your ideas about how our organization might be able to address a major health problem and risk factor for cancer — poor nutrition and lack of physical activity. Remember, the Springboard program — an internal “idea market” that encourages staff at all levels to submit their fresh ideas for breakthrough services, improvements in business processes, and new technologies — is ready to receive your thoughts on fighting obesity, encouraging physical activity, or any other topic that might help us make even more progress toward achieving our mission.

The first FIC-funded innovation spawned by Adam Pelligrini of the Northwest Division — the Health Reminder Assistant — is almost ready for external testing. The Health Reminder Assistant, which allows users to receive helpful reminders about important dates and checkups via e-mail, is currently being tested internally by staff from the Northwest and Hi-Tex Divisions. The FIC is also pleased to announce funding for CA Tools, a project of David Neff from the Hi-Tex Division. Capitalizing on research showing that physicians rely heavily on the Internet for up-to-date medical information, CA Tools will allow physicians to download the latest from onto their Palm PDAs. CA Tools will replace bulky laminated pocket guidelines about cancer screenings, among other things.

To learn more about the Springboard program or how to submit a proposal, please click here to view an interactive webmercial.

Every breakthrough in the fight against cancer began with a single idea. Send in yours today!

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