Tag Archives: VideoCamp

What is VideoCAMP TEXAS?

Well I think this video sums it up, no? We had a great turnout this weekend at VideoCAMP Texas and hope to see you at the next one!

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VideoCamp Texas : Are you coming?

http://videocamptexas.eventbrite.com/ Are you coming? Video For The People VideoCamp Texas is a FREE one day ad-hoc gathering of video, public relations, new media, and marketing professionals born from the desire for people to learn about best practices in online video production and distribution in an open environment. It is an collaborative event with discussions, demos and interaction from participants who ...

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VideoCamp Austin Results!

Hey Campers! Whew! I can’t believe it’s been less than 24 hours since we closed the doors on VideoCamp Austin for 2010. Don’t consider this a re-cap. Consider this the results show! Enjoy all the stats, interviews and photos below and stay tuned as we plan the next radass version of VideoCamp Austin. And please email our sponsors and let ...

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Final VideoCamp Austin madness….

Whew! It took a ton of volunteers and hard work to get to this point but we are ready for VideoCamp Austin in less than 24 hours! Here is the final roundup and how to get there tomm. Please Note: We are completly Sold Out at 250 people. Hey Campers, I just wanted to make sure you had these details ...

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