We recently got this message from the new Mayor of Austin, TX, Steve Adler. Instead of building new shelters or home, why not use what we already have? A great, innovative solution to helping with affordable housing in Austin. What do you think? How is your city handling this issue? ============================ With less than a month until Veterans Day, I ...
Read More »How are returning Veterans using Social Media?
How are returning Iraq and Afghanistan war vets using social media and online giving? The answers may surprise you. This prezo was done for a group of nonprofits that serves this ever growing and under served group. How Veterans using Social Media and Social Giving. View more presentations from David J. Neff
Read More »The New Cause Marketing? That you wear?
Forget the pinkwashed hairdryers and jeans. Is this the new cause marketing? What do you think? In 2006, Barbara Donaldson and Karen Gulino created Deploy Peace, an organization that creates dog tags from the remnants of past conflicts, and donates a portion of the proceeds to the Fisher House Foundation, which helps reunite wounded soldiers, airmen, sailors and marines with ...
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