Tag Archives: Help

It feels so META….AustinInvolved

If you’re a nonprofit in Central Texas and don’t know the folks from AustinInvolved you should. period. And she’s a natural on video. Austin Involved volunteer day at Lights. Camera. Help. from Courtney Clark on Vimeo.

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Can you help AustinInvolved Refresh?

Hey All, As you might have heard former Planet Cancer rockstar and friend of mine Courtney is launching a new volunteer movement here in Austin. I’ve already talked to her about Lights.Camera.Help. and as always she is eager to help. So take a second and check out the letter she sent me today and then go vote: “As you may ...

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New Name and a New Blog – Your Help is needed!

Hey faithful readers of this Blog! The time is come that I need your help. You helped make this blog great and now is your chance to help even more! I have decided to stop blogging here and create a new blog where I can be a bit more free about my opinions on social media, tech, the future of ...

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Convio Tips : How to Embed Video

Check out this great little tutorial on how to embed video on your Convio TeamRaiser Web Site from our own Jerry Markham. “I have been asked about embeding video on your Convio sites so I have created this instructional document about this quick and easy process.  This will also work for embeding a photo slideshow (like an animated logo tile) ...

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