Second Life Currency and Relay For Life

As the Second Life Relay For Life approached the volunteers
have been very busy developing amazing activities and raising money to support
the cause. 
Last night we checked the Lindex – the currency market for
Second Life, and saw a market 10% currency valuation. The currency market
actually deflated increasing the value of the L$ by nearly 10% against the USD.
Between June 30 and July 4 the exchange rate dropped from 330/1 down to 300/1.

There are numerous reasons for this – and I am sure an economist, especially a
virtual world economist (Ted Castranova please leave a comment here) would be
able to identify more reasons than I can.  The effect however is fairly
straightforward – The Linden Dollar is simply worth more today than last week.
This is great news for events such as the Relay which is collecting Lindens and
will exchange them out in time. It translates into more USD raised from the community.  The
economics and financial implications here are real and grow more and more
interesting as we approach the event.

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  1. I think Second Life is beginning to draw attention because the potential to do things beyond individual fascination with the environment are beginning to happen. The key to me is: “Why is Second Life a community?” What is it that makes community happen instead of just a bunch of unrelated individuals?

  2. Community is about people getting together for a common cause and share a common thread. In SL the residents have common visions and goals for the world and they have build small communities around those visions. Even in the material world neighborhoods are bound by common vision and mission not just geography.

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