After reading this article in the I began thinking of the extent and scope of the avatar and how it may evolve in the coming years. I feel that in the coming years we will be using a single avatar to conduct the sum of our daily on line transactions. I see that systems will begin to recognize our ...
Read More »Google guide
Google’s gotten so big you need a guide to know all the stuff it does. And here’s one. Lately, by looking behind the famous white page with the multi-colored logo and the single search box, I’ve been noticing just how many search functions and pieces of software Google has. A lot. But it makes me think, "Hmmm. If I wanted ...
Read More »Lifestyle channels sign of things to come?
Interesting NY Times article about a company intent on making money promoting healthy lifestyle. Now, Ms. Kettler is trying her hand at convergence again. She is the founder and chief executive of Lime, a media company devoted to new-age lifestyle programs on subjects like organic food, hybrid cars and alternative medicine…. "Healthy living is a trend that is becoming more ...
Read More »Search to equal email in frequency
Search engine use is approaching the frequency of use of email. Til now email was the king, #1 use of the internet. But it looks like searching for stuff is going to surpass it. Why? Broadband. Several factors explain the quick rise in search activity, including the spread of high-speed Internet connections, also known as broadband, into more homes, said ...
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