• Cryptocurrency that Cares

    I interviewed the top minds in the Bitcoin world about how nonprofits can benefits from this digital currency. Click here to learn more.

  • Writing and Publications

    Digital Strategy, Innovation, Co-Creation, Crowdfunding, Nonprofits, Volunteerism, Advocate Programs and Bitcoin are my passions. I often get to write about them. Click here to read more.

  • Speaking

    I've been keynoting and speaking at a variety of conferences for the last eight years. I'd love to hear more about yours. Click here to learn more.

Cryptocurrency that Cares – Interview with PwC’s Arryn Blumberg

This is part of my ongoing series about Digital Currencies. This is my interview with Arryn Blumberg about Bitcoin. He works for PwC Canada and is an avid Bitcoin enthusiast. He also contributed to the PwC Consumer Intelligence report about Bitcoin around Casino Gaming.  Can you explain #Bitcoin? Note that Bitcoin is a brand name, it is better to say ...

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Cryptocurrency that Cares – Interview with Amanda Quraishi

This is part of my ongoing series about Digital Currencies. This is my interview with Amanda Quraishi about Bitcoin from Mobile Loaves and Fishes where she works on marketing and IT issues. What are the risks for a nonprofit that wants to take Bitcoin? What are the benefits?  I don’t think there are any risks to non-profits in accepting Bitcoin ...

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Cryptocurrency that Cares – Interview with Tod Beardsley

This is part of an ongoing series on Bitcoin and Dogecoin and the nonprofits who are experimenting with it or thinking about it. This one is with Tod Beardsley of Pocketfu.com about DogeCoin. >Explain why the Dogecoin community is so friendly towards causes? One of the more unique aspects of Dogecoin is the fact that it does have a bona-fide community. ...

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Bitcoin Nonprofit Interview Series – Cryptocurrency that Cares

Hello All! Just wanted to take  a second to introduce a new interview series that I am starting here on 501derful.org. This new interviews series will explore how Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Dogecoin are affecting the nonprofit world, explore what the risks and benefits are, and the tax implications for nonprofits accepting them. This was all prompted by a ...

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