Hey non-profit rock stars! I have been getting this question a lot lately. I keep spreading the word and when people join it’s all a little too much. So here is what twitter is in a nutshell : Micro-Blogging. You have 140 characters to tell your story. You can post from your phone, the Web or a Desktop Client. A ...
Read More »Nike drops Apple
Both Randal and I have posted on the coolness of the Nike+ system. The ability to track online through their system and widgets the number of miles you run/walk, along with calories burned would fit in perfectly with any number of non-profit walks/runs. However as far as I know no one has approached Nike about this. One of the reasons ...
Read More »Help Hope Go Viral?
:: This is from our special guest Blogger Kara Soluri::I first heard the term social media at an Austin Social Media club event 6 months ago. I’d never been on Myspace or read a blog, and twitter was something I did when I nervous. Somewhat accidentally, I fell into a crowd of social media evangelists who sold Web 2.0 technology ...
Read More »ATTN: BlackBerry Users & Those Interested In Voice Recognition
Do you Jott? Jott allows you to send an e-mail from someone simply by calling its Web site on your cellphone and dictating a message. Within minutes an e-mail goes out to that person and a copy is e-mailed to you. I’ve been using Jott since October and I like it. I use it primarily to e-mail myself with reminders, ...
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