Net Tuesday

I attended NetSquared’s Net Tuesday last night. I interviewed the speakers and recorded their presentations for podcasts that will soon (hopefully) be syndicated on Odeo.

One speaker was Myles Weissleder from Meetups are easy ways to set up local meeting of people interested in any sort of topic. Breast cancer survivor groups is one pretty popular kind of Meetup. Myles said two things that caught my attention:

  1. People are going to organize around what interests them with or without existing institutions. Organizations have the option of working with that process or ignoring it.
  2. Meetup is "the grassroots."

Hey, I thought we were the grassroots.

The other speaker was Jason Schultz from the Electronic Frontier Foundation. He says copyright is being used to shut down advocacy efforts of some nonprofits by interests that don’t like their message.  Anyway, you’ll be able to hear the whole thing in the near future.

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