High-Tech, High-Touch

John Nisbitt in his book, Megatrends, in the late ’80, said that for every new high tech development you had to remember to high touch the people involved.  Race forward to the present and introduce fundraising on the Internet.  What about high touch?

In the NonProfit Times, May 15, 2005, there was an interesting article on that subject.  It was called Hearts And Eyeballs, and it said that people want to communicate.  0f all of the online tools of effective communication, three are emerging as the focus of effective communication, education, and solicitation:

1.  Databases with more comprehensive information about the individual interests, preferences, and habits.

2.  Webpages that utilize data about user preferences.

3.  Targeted email that is in step with print communications makes outboud messaging efficient and more productive.

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  1. Ed, sounds right. I’d guess that integrating all three would have most benefit. I think we need to get live people interacting with other live people on a daily basis too.

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