Here’s a section from Suw Chartman’s Strange Attractor blog on Corante that seems to have spot-on advice about future media–and that means the most diverse kinds of media.
Digital media will get and keep the customer’s attention. How? By
making it relevant to the person. This is a big issue. People won’t buy
content unless it is relevant.– make it personal
– make it worthwhile
– make it valuableIn other words – talk to people
– look at the customer
– learn from customers in real time
– communities work best with market dynamic
– treat customers as people
– quality of individual experience is what matters
– delight the user
– interact and engage – has to be relevant and at the right time
– build trust
– chart interactions with the product.Any media biz in 2006, who want to integrate quality content into a digital channel will have to consider
– communities, vast thin networks of members
– doughnut communities that are temp and come together round a site
– combine human/algorithm filtering to make it simple to follow who’s saying what
– tags
– metadata (ensures that content can be used again and again)All this becomes relevant to the reader.