Gmail. Why you need another email account!

This week I review Google's Gmail It's in the Beta phase right now but I am sure a lot of you have heard about it. Gmail is an experiment in
a new kind of webmail, built on the idea that you should never have to delete mail and you should always be able to find the message you want. Want to learn more? Want a free account? Take a listen to this week's podcast…

– David Neff

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  1. Great podcast, Dave. I actually use G-mail in ACS work. The storage in Notes is so small that I’m always battling to stay within the limits by deleting stuff and attachments. With storage so cheap this is an absurd situation. There’s no reason to have to delete your business communications. So I’ve set up a G-mail account ( to handle a lot of communications with outside people. It’s almost essential if you deal in photographs, podcasts, etc. I also do a lot of Google “alerts” top stay on top of cancer and science news. That would be impossible with internal mail. I’m thinking of diverting a copy of all my Notes mail out to G-mail so I’ve got a backup and power searching.

    I’m using the Google calendar. Also very powerful. In fact, I find myself using outside web-based systems more and more. I recommend that all staff learn what’s out there. It may serve their needs better than internal systems.

    What do you know about Google Desktop Search? I’d really like to keep track of all the internet history so I can find things I’ve seen.

  2. I love gmail…I’ve had it for about a year and it’s my only personal email account…highly recommend it!

  3. Hey David and Lisa,
    Thanks for listening. I am wary of Google’s Desktop Search simply for the fact that they actually store EVERYTHING you do on their Servers for quite a long time to make it searchable. A little scary on the privacy angle.

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