A big thank you to Marshall Kirkpatrick for pointing me toward CPsquare.org CPsquare is the community of practice on communities of practice. From their site.
CPsquare is like a town square, a place where people gather to connect and learn together. Where many of us are joining in this enterprise from a variety of organizations in the private and public sectors.
Communities of practice are emerging as the most promising structures for building knowledge-based organizations. They are the key to the knowledge strategy of a growing number of leading companies, government agencies, and non-profits. The development of communities of practice is new to most organizations, however, and there is an urgent need for accelerated learning in this area.Since we believe that communities of practice are the way to organize for knowledge, learning, and innovation, we are applying the method to ourselves.
If you have a chance, pop on over to Netsquared and both read and listen to excerpts from Marshall’s interview with John Smith, CPsquare’s community steward.