Social Software

NYT On the Second Life Relay for Life

Mark Wallace writes in the Arts and Leisure Section of the NYT today about the Second Life Relay For Life.  Very excited about the print press and hope that it draws more attention to the event.

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MS Volunteer Blog

Check out how these volunteers are blogging and podcasting to raise awareness about Multiple Sclerosis — the multiple sclerosis podcast.

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March of Dimes Blog Update

The March of Dimes revamped blog — Share Your Story — is up to over 55 people blogging for their cause (in just 2 weeks!). Read more about it here.

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Cancer Awareness Badges for Blogs

Be sure to get a cancer awareness badge and post it to your blog today.  What’s a cancer awareness badge? It’s a virtual manifestation of the cancer awareness wrist band — the bloggers way of demonstrating affinity for the cause. They’re available in multiple colors based on the cancer site and/or cause (pink for breast cancer awareness, purple for Relay ...

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