Life Science

Biotech (3 of …)

A section of The Report on life sciences focusing on the biotechnology sector. Oh, just a reminder: the material posted about life science is a draft. More editing will occur before it’s in final form. I welcome your input.

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Big Pharma (2 of…)

Geez, I’m kind of overwhelmed by all the data for The Report. The life science sector is so big and complex. There’s no end to the information. I’ve had to say, “Enough!” to myself just to get started. Also the importance of the market-driven sector in cancer management keeps growing in my mind. I think this is key to anyone ...

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So, what do you want to accomplish in this report? (1 of…)

I said in my previous post that I’m working on a report about the life sciences industry. The objectives I’ve ste for the report follow. Again, I invite your input about them.

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Health literacy (or is it ill-literacy?)

The Institute of Medicine (the folks who brought you the report a few years ago about all the accidents and mistakes being made in health care settings) is about to publish a new report entitled: Health Literacy: A Prescription to End Confusion. Basically, they’ve found that in the US there is a high level of illiteracy about health matters, so ...

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