

For those of you not familiar with this site, I’ve been blogging here since 2003. Did we even call it blogging back then? That’s a question for internet historian and my co-author Randal Moss to answer. No matter what the answer is it’s been my home for a long time. But times change and people move. This will be my ...

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Why you can’t quit watching all these new streaming services.

It’s not just our current shelter in place world (or Tiger King) driving you to watch more of your favorite, and non-favorite shows. Most people watch based on content, right? Correct. And most people make decisions based on price? Correct. But our Accenture research found a new candidate as people lean into having multiple services (Amazon, Hulu, Disney+, Shudder, Netflix, ...

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It’s 2020. Are you hiring Data Scientists or Analysts?

It’s 2020. Are you hiring Data Scientists or Analysts?  By Matt Policastro and David J. Neff Establishing distinctions between conventional analysts and data scientists at varying degrees of organizational data maturity. We are asked about this quandary over and over again in our consulting work with all types of organizations. Data is now a fundamental business asset and its requirements ...

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Develop a Culture of Experimentation

Change is hard. Culture eats strategy for breakfast. People love innovation (every idea is great) OVER experimentation (let’s actually test those ideas). We’ve heard all of these thing before and believe in them. The real question is how do you change that thinking? How can you improve your innovation by developing a culture of experimentation? I was honored to host ...

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