On Sunday mornings my wife and I like to watch the Food Network, an all-cooking cable channel. It seems like all programs start the same way: “Take a pound of butter…”
There is one extraordinary exception: “Cooking Thin” by Kathleen Daelemans. This lady could be taking her script from the ACS nutrition and exercise guidelines. This isn’t just someone in a studio showing how to cook a couple of low-cal dishes. In each show she works with a person(s) with a weight and perhaps a health problem. No hard-bodies for her. She reviews their eating and behavior problems and then works with them to figure out how to change their poor habits. She usually works out new menus and ways of preparing foods and teaches then how to cook in a way that’s better for them. Daelemans deals with the real problems people have in their lives adopting better eating habits. She frequently recommends exercise to accompany diet changes and sometimes helps them start a program.
I think this lady could be a great spokesperson for the ACS nutrition and exercise program. I’d love to see someone in ACS media take a look and see about hooking-up with her.
Greetings from Sacramento! I’ve been reading comments on here regarding time management, work/life balance, etc. Recently here in the North and Central Valley Regions, we’ve discussed the work/life balance at length in meetings.
However, the one area I think that hasn’t been mentioned is incorporating “good health and fitness” practices into our work/life balance.
We stress to our constituents the daily importance of a balanced diet/nutrition guidelines and incorporating exercise into our lives. We strive during Active for Life to adopt healthy practices but then we seem to forget after AFL is completed.
I’ve been practicing yoga for the past five years and although, yoga is not for everyone I feel it is very important that we, as ACS staff, make it our personal goals to incorporate a healthy lifestyle into our personal lives. We need to practice what we preach (and not just during AFL).
We can talk about work/life balance in theory, but we need to actually put it into place–whether it’s waking up at 5am for an early morning yoga class before class or hitting the gym in between meetings. We are all “time-challenged” in our jobs, but it’s up to US to take responsibility.
There are many excellent web sites regarding fitness and exercise. I’m a big fan of yoga and pilates and you don’t need to be flexible to enjoy the benefits!
Thank you for letting me share my thoughts!
-Therese Pope
ACS, North Valley Region
Good observation, Therese. Do you have a few resources to share?